Monday, December 17, 2012

Keeping Track of Your Loyalty Cards

Are you one of those women who have more of those annoying (and ugly) plastic loyalty store cards on your key ring than actual keys?  Yeah me too: Grocery stores, pet store, Bebe, gym card, library card, Godiva card (HELLO free truffle each month!).  At least I was that woman until I looked at my smartphone and said "what have you done for me lately?"

Well it turns out there are several apps out there to help you keep track of everything.

Keyring is great because of all the smartphones its available on. It has a great catalog of stores available for you.   Its easy to use and quick to upload your cards and share with your family.  You can also take a picture of your card (front and back).  It will show you any coupons or circulars available.  What I liked about this is being able to sign up for new loyalty cards from the app.
Cost: Free
Available: iPhone, Droid, Windows Mobile, Blackberry

Cardstar is probably the more popular one out there.  They have a ton of merchants in their catalog ready for use.  What I like about this one is being able to back up and sync to any mobile device so you can share cards with everyone in your family and save big (or at least spend more in my case).
Cost : Free
Available: Droid, iPhone, Blackberry

Passbook is another popular one out there and I really liked the looks of it.  Sadly its only available on iPhone.  One thing I really liked about this, is it can show you when your coupons expire, where your concert seats are, and your all important boarding pass without having to launch a separate app.
Cost: Free
Available: iPhone

There are some other ones out there like Lemon, but I found these three the best with the design of the app and ease of use.  When it comes down to it, no matter which one you use, you will be glad to have gotten rid of your key ring clutter.  And having a key ring with only keys on it has made this gadget girl very happy.

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